Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Goodbye to a good friend

AJ, a good friend of mine passed away last thursday and his funeral service was today. As a memorial to him, i am posting the words his sister wrote for his final goodbye.

In celebration of A.J's life, I have a few words I would like to say about him... I know we will never loose the love we felt for him, and the love that he had for everyone around him. No matter how rough times were for him, he never stood down when a friend or a family member needed him. His kindness and generosity touched so many lives. He was always there when you needed someone to listen, when you needed a good laugh, or when you had a question that only A.J knew the answer to. He was well known for his knowledge of history, politics, and government. We all can remember one time or another when we had a conversation or a heated debate regarding the three things that he knew best, and was so passionate about.
Aside from A.J's knowlege, we will never forget his remarkable ability to brighten up a room. You always knew when he was excited about something because his volume would go up, and up, always followed by a laugh that could be distinguished in a room of a million. His wacky antics and sporadic moments kept us in high spirits and good humor. He never failed to keep us entertained.
Spirituality was a very important part of A.J's life. He had a great knowledge of religion as well as a deep seated love for God. He was never one to judge, and inspired the people around him to come together in faith, forgivness, and grace. We will always love him, we will always miss him, and we will never forget how he brought us all together...

Monday, November 06, 2006

A video about Iraq today

Independent News Portal COAnews: : BreakDown: Breaking The War on Terror Facade

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Demitri Martin -

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Frozen In The Moment

Frozen In The Moment

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

You know who you are

This post is for a special reader of this blog. You know who you are. Just like Jude Law in I heart Huckabees, it is time to ask yourself, "how am I not myself?".
the river we spend our lives traversing spreads out before us, and we have opportunities to change its course. The future may look entirely too hard to deal with, but that is only through the prism of our past, and our present, which may also be too much for us to handle, but, in the end, our present is all we have, and together as humans, as lovers and friends, we know we can manage, and survive the sometimes torrential waters we must face. The debris in the river is something that must be dealt with, deftly, in order to make it to the sea, or lake, or water purification plant... Or wherever your river takes you, but this debris is part of the river as sure as the water is. Sometimes we find ourselves living lives other that the ones we saw ourselves living, sometimes drastically, painfully different, and it is in these times that we have to ask, "how am I not myself?", and we have to look inside our souls, into the great cosmic mirror, and we must find the answer to that question, we must face it, and we have to try our damnedest to find the pieces that we may have tossed overboard into the river, and put them back together. When we are not ourselves, we find ourselves in lives not our own, with hollow love, and empty promises of futures to difficult to deal with. When we are ourselves, our tiny moments of enlightenment, and realization, can become catalysts for great change, great hope, and an awakening to what we truly are, masters of our river. Magicians in the moment. Live now, or you may never truly live. Accept your truths, live them, trust them, and open your eyes to guide a river free of illusion. A friend once told me, " the only choice that matters is your next one, so long as your next step is a right one, the ones down the road will be easier to take." Namaste.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Olberman slams O'Reilly's Anti- American propaganda

Bill says something stupid to Retired General Wesley Clark, and Keith Olberman from MSNBC lays out quite clearly the problem with O'reilly and Fox. Doctored paperwork and all... get it here.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Jew's make laws in Iran?!

I just thought I would hop on here real quick and say that I think it is very important for the idea to seep into our conscious as Americans, while we are being rev'd up for war, against ANOTHER country that hasn't attacked us, that within the Iranian Parliament there are Jews! I would never have guessed, and by the way that our elected peoples in our White House and Congress spit words of war and self-righteousness we would think that Iran has no room for Jews in Israel, let alone in their own country, voting on and making law within the halls of their own parliament! "minorities sit on all parliamentary committees, particularly the cultural one." So, anyhowI learned about this by clicking here. Which is a story about how Iran just past a law to make Iranian Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians to wear different colored badges. Jews would wear yellow, of course...Well, It turns out it's all propaganda printed by Canada's National Post, a Canwest paper. Canwest being the Great White North's version of FoxNews, or more precisely News Corporation. So the rightie snowbacks are in bed with our fascist rednecks! goodie! Do these people think we'll get to have a tailgate party at WW3? BBQ, booze, and good ol' fashioned competition for dominance! This year's secret weapons Ignorance and Religious Insecurities! Woohoo! It'll be a gay ol' time. Oh wait that's the next war...

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